Monday, October 11, 2010

Life without Television

It seems today that having a television in one’s home is a necessity. When I was growing up, we had two TV’s: one in our living room, and one in my parents’ bedroom. We were only allowed to watch TV in the summertime during the morning, and after that we had to go play outside or find another way to entertain ourselves. Today there are children with TV’s in their bedrooms. I have babysat for four different families and their kids have TV’s in their bedrooms. I don’t think that watching television is all bad, but when kids start to get addicted to it there needs to be a change.
I don’t believe that by not having television it would make more independent human beings. I don’t really see the connection between watching television and being less independent.
If children wouldn’t have a television to watch I do believe that they would grow up to be healthier. If children would not have a television to watch tv shows or to play video games on they would be forced to find something else to entertain them. Their entertainment would most likely result in playing outside doing a physical activity, or they would find another fun activity to become involved in.
A world without television is very hard to imagine. I believe that television can benefit and not benefit children in life. When it comes to being more educated I do not agree that technically children would be more educated without television. Today there are programs on TV that are made to help children learn without them being conscious of it. Dora the Explorer, is a good example of a kids television show that helps to educate children. Throughout Dora the Explorer, Dora uses some Spanish words while she talks. After she says the word she explains what the word means. Then she asks the children who are watching the show to say the word with her. This is helping young children learn some Spanish words at a young age. There are many children television shows today that are helping children learn while watching them. Team Umizoomi is also a television show on Nick Jr. that is a math-based show for preschoolers. In this show, the characters help solve problems and use shapes and colors while doing so. It helps children to learn their shapes and colors while having fun. Because of shows like this, I believe that children can actually benefit from watching television at a young age. Once a child gets older and needs to start doing homework and wants to watch television instead, then I believe that television could be a problem.
I believe that having a television could benefit children in some ways, but more often than not it is more hurting them than it is helping them.


  1. Leah I agree that life without television would be extremely different. Also i side with you on the matter of kids being more intelligent. Kids retain knowledge from watching certain shows

  2. I agree, it would be so weird not having TV. I don't know if I would like it. Yes i also agree that kids learn by watching educational television shows.
